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New Life

Hello loves, it was a long and miraclish week. Yeah new October 5th is the man's birthday Say Happy Birthday to the Man!! We took the day off, but I have been running back and forth tot he hospital, because we had an early arrival who just couldn't wait for her due date and she wanted to share the day with the Man. My other bestie of 24 years gave birth to a little rosey cheek princess on October 5th, at 2:41pm weighing in at 7lbs 15oz. She is so cute and fabulous.

She has her whole life ahead of her to do whatever it is to manifest anything she wants. She's at a perfect stage where her mind his clear and unaware of the dramas of the world. I have been working my subconscious mind over and here she is fresh everything. I could just stare at her for hours. Then she i remembered how much work her kind can

I am going to tell you something. Manifesting the life you want is so hard. You get and feel some momentum and then you lose it and you feel it and it feels like you are letting yourself down. I am tired it feels like everyone else is more important than me.

Seeing my friends innocent free new little princess.I just marveled at all her little possibilities in life starting a successful business, picking the major that speaks to her heart, not compromising herself and just living her best life.

This week I read, The Alchemist a book my daughter encouraged me to read it was her summer reading. It was a great read. I just couldn't help feel like some who manifest and follow their heart have so much less on their plate than I do.

The Alchemist spoke of listening to your heart and I will be honest my heart always sounds stress, angry, and fear. I wouldn't mind holding my breathe and closing my eyes for 10 seconds and reboot like a computer. That would be awesome... Even now I am watching a Wrinkle In Time with Oprah, Reese, and Mindy and what's the line that I am stuck on "Have faith in yourself.Believe" such wonder awaits. Oprah is giving me lessons this evening... lol

Someone else giving me lessons Dr. Wayne Dyer. when you have a chance listen to him on Youtube. He has passed on, but the thought he gives you astonishing.


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